As your trusted partner for Benefits Administration support, Broker Builder Solutions has deployed our post Open Enrollment audit initiative to ensure the integrity of your clients enrollment data.
Sending the enrollment data post Open Enrollment is just one piece of the puzzle. We cannot be certain what the carriers processes are internally upon receipt of your clients data.
In our initiative to ensure the veracity of your clients data we have recently requested census data from your carriers on behalf of your Employer Groups using the Employee Navigator software to allow us to conduct post open enrollment audits. This process allows BBS to ensure the data in the carrier system is in sync with the data passed on the enrollment files.
Do not be alarmed when you receive requests from your carrier that states Broker Builder Solutions has requested your group's enrollment census data.
A member of our team will work with the carriers with a copy to your organization to resolve any data issues that are found.
This service is provided to Agency Support Brokers and ongoing EDI Support Brokers.